Special Edition: CMI Accomplishments

CMI Accomplishments

This section highlights CMI’s project capabilities and services.

In the past 12 months , our company has completed a bunch of projects. A few of them are:

Pearl Ridge Gardens and Tower, seven buildings consisting of six low rise buildings and one high-rise tower. During the past several years, CMI has worked on various capital improvement projects such as cast iron pipe replacement, roofing, gutters, concrete spalling repair, painting, waterproofing of seven buildings, including two large parking decks, below-grade waterproofing, and asphalt resurfacing.

Leolua Regent, six low-rise buildings. Concrete spalling repair, painting, wood repair, and waterproofing.

Kealani, high-rise building. Concrete spalling repair, painting, waterproofing.

1134 Kinau, high-rise building. Emergency concrete spalling repair, sealant of window frames.

Hoolai Apartments, low-rise buildings. Concrete spalling and railing repair.

Birch Street Apartments, low-rise building. Concrete spalling repair, painting and waterproofing.

McCully Villa, high-rise building. Cast iron (DWV) pipe replacement, installation of backflow preventer.

Wahiawa Medical Building, wood and railing repairs, painting and waterproofing.

CMI has also completed numerous inspections of various single family and commercial properties, including Hanahouli School railings, Diamond Head Memorial general property inspections, Aiea Lani Estates building foundation inspections, and various industrial warehouses in Halawa, Pearl City and Kapolei.

CMI has served as an expert witness on a number of cases, such as:

Apartment building real property condemnation action, 6 condo association cases, Neighbor Island Shopping Center lease turnover dispute, Oahu and Kauai single family houses construction defect cases, and two single family homes building permit issues.

By the Numbers:

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